When buying in Spain having a financial mortgage approval will greatly enhance your ability to negotiate on price and ensure you know your exact maximum budget, the costs you must consider and ongoing monthly commitment your purchase will entail. Most buyers will incur costs of flying to Spain and accommodation whilst there when searching for […]
Monthly Archives: September 2010
Spanish mortgages 24 hour Approval in Principle
International Mortgage Solutions launches Spanish Mortgage information video
Obtaining information about Spanish Mortgages before making a commitment has in the past meant researching across a number of web pages, information sites and banks. Often each provider of information was unable to give a full overview of all the considerations that a potential buyer should consider. To help buyers understand fully in a one […]
Euribor Rates on the Rise for Spanish Mortgages
August saw the first; all be it small; Euribor ( European Interbank offered rates) rise for 12 months. The level of Euribor rates which has been at a historical low for many months is predicted to rise by about 1% over the next year. It was unrealistic to believe the rates could remain as low […]
Lloyds and Halifax Spain complete merger
Ahead of its UK counterparts from October the 1st the two banking arms in Spain Lloyds and Halifax will come together as one. From October 25th all Halifax branches will be re-branded to Lloyds. At present there still remains a few differences between the two in lending criteria. Lloyds minimum loan size is € 100k […]