
Mortgage approvals in Principle in Spain

Can you obtain a Spanish approval in principle Spanish Banks like most lenders are able to provide a potential buyer with a loan approval subject then to valuation of a specific property. Most Spanish Banks will provide this without a requirement for a property to be valued and Banks that will only fiscally approve an […]


The problem with Spanish Banks

Spanish Banks and their approach to transparency Over the years of arranging mortgages in Spain one develops an understanding of the behaviors of each Bank offering mortgages and the efficiency of their processes. Some Spanish Banks offer good headline rates and make it difficult to justify not recommending them but good rates are only part of the […]


Loan levels in Spain increase again

Data published today for new loans constituted in December 2014 have shown another consecutive month of year on year increases. Lending for homes Loans registered at Land registry in Spain for the month of December showed an increase in capital lent, numbers of loans and an increase in average loan size. 15,962 loans were granted a 28.9% […]


The dynamics of the Spanish lending market.

Spanish home loans Since 2014 Spanish Banks have been back in the game of credit. This process has gathered steam during the latter part of 2014 and into 2015. Rather than looking at their product portfolio as a total and deciding on pricing matched to criteria and offering a range of products flexible enough to […]


New Lending in Spain increases in November

Spanish Mortgage Overview Mortgage figures released today by the statistical office in Spain have shown a healthy year on year increase in numbers of loans granted and completed of 14.2% when considering residential dwellings. The number of new loans for the purchase of a home in Spain reached 15,900. The average loan size dropped by […]


Spanish mortgage news 2015 outlook.

What happened in 2014 The Spanish mortgage market moved forward in 2014. From a prolonged period of stagnation with most lenders looking to reduce their overall mortgage books finally in 2014 the trend was reversed. Spanish banks launched a new product with improved terms and conditions, also introduced loan budgets and targets for the first time […]