
Spanish Mortgages August update

Key Data. The National Institute of Statistics in Spain today published the provisional mortgage data in Spain for August 2012. Data shows further drops in both number of and value of mortgages granted year on year. Redemptions or cancellations of mortgages yet again exceeded new loans completed reducing the overall mortgage books of Spanish Banks. […]


Audit of the Spanish Banking system

Last week saw the much awaited audit of the Spanish Banking system and figures came in at the lower end of expectation. Whether the markets believe these figures remains to be seen. For non residents buying in Spain requiring a Spanish Mortgage the issues with the Banks is less profound than for those residents. The […]


Spanish mortgages interest rates

An article in Reuters today outlined the issue relating to a widening gap in the interest rates being paid by buyers in Southern Europe like Spain and the Northern Europeans highlighting in particular Finland. Whilst a few years ago margins charged by Spanish Banks averaged for Residents between 0.50% to 1% above Euribor and 1% […]


Spanish Banks cost of funding

Mortgages in Spain why high rates With interest rates falling across the world it can be difficult to understand why Spanish mortgage rates are not lower than they are. The issue lies in the cost of funds for Spanish Banks, the fact they are almost precluded from the wholesale money markets, and the cost of […]


Difficulty of being granted a Spanish mortgage

Yesterday saw the announcement of a € 30bn rescue package from the Europe for injection directly into the Spanish Banks. As part of the negotiations The Spanish Government has agreed to hand over regulatory powers from the Bank of Spain to the European Central Bank. It is difficult to argue that the supervisory powers should […]


Spanish Mortgage Lending news 2012

Reports out today have confirmed the situation on lending in Spain has deteriorated further. Despite taking advantage of the European Central Banks cheap bonds issued over the last few months the Banks in Spain have chosen to buy sovereign debt with these funds rather than to lend to the residential and commercial sectors. Data shows […]


Spanish rate index

The Bank of Spain has announced its intention to continue to look at the possibilities of their new mortgage index the IRS, which replaces and combines the Caja and the Banks IRPH mortgage index, as the preferred index for all Spanish loans. The view of the Bank of Spain is that the IRS will provide […]


Ubiquitous Mortgages

In an environment of very difficult lending it would appear Ubiquitous Mortgages are able to buck trend and completely outprice all the major banks in world. While other lenders have withdrawn from the European market with many French Banks closing the doors to international clients, Spanish Banks doing the same and many international lenders like […]