
What Will Estate Agents In Spain Think Of Next

Mortgages in Spain linked to purchase price After years of selling Spanish properties and advising clients to under declare purchase prices (to avoid the full buying taxes but without informing client of capital gains tax exposure at a later date) some Spanish estate agents have done the complete reverse and are now convincing buyers and sellers […]


Spanish Banks and Spanish Mortgage Availability

Whilst the banks in Spain’s treasury and investment arms were not actively involved in the sub-prime market, they have not managed to stay completely without issues. Falling pound and high interest rates which many people are still tied into until their next annual review has meant the delinquency rate on their existing mortgage books has […]


Latest Spanish Mortgage News

Spanish Mortgage Product Last week saw another two Banks lower loan to values for non residents and tighten risk criteria’s. Nat West Gibraltar having already lowered loan to values last year from 70% to 60% moved to a maximum of 50% and withdrew its two year discount product. Bankinter who have previously been very active […]


Latest Spanish Property News

Sales of property in Spain are exceptionally low at present. The upside of this market is that for those fortunate enough to still be able to contemplate buying a second home deals can be struck and bargains secured. The whole process of buying from selling agents and developers through to the legal advice you can […]